Scuba Store

Bill signed up for a scuba class. At the class they suggested that they get diving ‘skins’. These are skintight swimming suits that offer protection from whatever you might brush up against underwater. Plus they add buoyancy and warmth etc. But what Bill found out was that they offer little protection from prying eyes.

Bill found a Scuba store in the northern suburbs that was close to his place. When Bill walked in the store, he was greeted by a nice looking lady. She helped him get his fins, mask, snorkel etc, then she picked out the first skin. Bill was like jeez do you think that will fit? She answered, ‘ya, it’s supposed to stretch and be tight, not too tight, but snug’, and then she smiled. She was about 40 or so, had a wedding ring on. Nice body, for a 40 year old. She was very busty with a little junk in the trunk, but not too much. She was sexy. Her eyes sparkled with kindness.

Jan watched him close the door. What dreamy eyes she thought. He was half her age! She was terrible! But he was so cute. She tried not to think about him removing his clothes just a few feet from her on the other side of the door. She made herself busy arranging some fins hanging on the wall and tried to clear her mind, but the more she tried, the more those nasty thoughts kept popping into her head.

Bill went into the changing room, which was much larger then your typical changing room, actually it doubled as a small office and classroom for the store. Bill put the skin on the table and stripped down to his boxers. Then he tried to get into this thing. It took a lot of effort. Unless you have put one on, you don’t know how tight these things are. Seriously, this thing looked like a spider man costume. It was like a second skin. Bill finally finished getting into this thing.

He looked at himself in the mirror. Good god! Not cool. The material did little to hide his bulge. In fact it kind of showcased it. Being very well endowed it looked like had a semi woody, but he didn’t. His penis was completely flaccid but it looked formidable under the tight thin material. What would it look like after getting in the water, he wondered. The ladies in his scuba class were sure going to get an eyeful he thought.

He was startled from his day dreaming, back to reality by a knock on the door. Then he watched horrified as the door knob turned and the door opened just a crack, ‘Hey Bill, what do you think? How does it fit?’

Summoning his courage he squeaked, ‘I, ah I don’t know, I’m new to this whole thing, it feels……way too tight’.

Being a good salesperson she knew he needed her advice, scuba diving is a serious thing. You need the right gear or you can get hurt. ‘Lets have a look’, Jan said as she pushed open the door.

Her eyes widened a little as she looked the suit over, or was she looking him over? She had this gleam in her eyes. She smiled and cooed, ‘see Bill, I told you it would fit’, and with that she took a closer look.

She asked how it felt, and Bill said it felt snug but he wasn’t sure, since this was his first skin. Bill said, “I didn’t know really how tight or loose it should be. “

‘Oohh no, it looks wonderful! It’s like they made this just for you! You might have a second career as a model.’ Jan laid it on thick, but the best salesperson, never lies, and she wasn’t! She meant every word! This guy was built like a Greek god. Through the tight skin she could see his chiseled muscle definition. Large, but in nice proportion. This guy was a stud she thought. She continued, ‘However, we need to be sure that each area is fitting right. You don’t want any loose spots. It should be like a second skin. Actually that is why they call it a dive skin. It shouldn’t be too tight, just snug all around.’

With that she knelt down and pulled on the skin by the ankles, then let it go and it snapped back, then she sort of smoothed it over. ‘Looks good’, she said, then she did the same but by the knee, then mid thigh.

Bill had been watching her eyes this whole time. They seemed to give equal time to the whole suit. It was like she didn’t even notice his bulge. And if she did, she was a professional and certainly not concerned with it. She was only concerned with how it fit and what Bill thought of it.

But now as she was focusing her attention on his thighs he couldn’t really tell what she was looking at. She was right at cock level it would be hard for her to miss it.

What Bill didn’t know was, as Jan had opened the door it was all she could do to keep her composure. She tried to look over the suit without making it obvious what she was really interested in. Much like how a man tries to steal glances of a women’s chest during a conversation without getting caught. But being a woman she was much better at it, besides she had the excuse of looking at the scuba skin. But the glances she took were enough to make it perfectly clear that this guy was either hung or had a woody! Either way she didn’t mind. In fact she liked it. Her nipples were getting hard. She was getting hot and bothered.

She desperately tried to keep her composure. Focus. Focus. She told herself. Stop staring and check the fit.

She sank down to her knees and checked the fit for the ankles, the knees, the thighs, all a good fit she said. But she couldn’t help it, she looked, right in front of her was the outline of a large shaft at the end of which was a ridge making an indention in the material.

Still on her knees with her hand on his hip she looked up and smiled and said, ‘Ahem, ah, looks good so far’.

Her hand on his hip felt like it was burning through the material. Looking down at her it was everything he could do to keep from getting an erection. ‘Are you sure it’s not too tight?’

She took advantage of that to look him over some more. It was now pretty obvious where she was staring.. ‘No, it looks great!’

Dragging her eyes from his crotch to meet his gaze she said, ’But how does it feel? If it feels tight and constricting, then it’s not right, it should just feel snug.’

‘No I guess it’s okay, it’s snug, but not constricting, ya it’s okay’, Bill replied, a little unnerved at how she had said ‘No it looks great’, as she was looking at his groin area.

‘Could you turn around please and we‘ll check the back side?’ Jan asked.

Obediently Bill turned around.

Again Jan checked the fit but from the backside, starting at the ankles. As she did so she couldn’t help but admire his legs. They were thickly muscled, and she loved how his butt looked in this diving skin. She imagined what he looked like naked. Not hard to do seeing as how the skin revealed so much.

‘hhhm okay, looks good turn around please.’

Bill turned back round. She asked a few more questions then asked if Bill would like to try on the other skin. Bill said ok.

She went and got it, and gave it to him. As she was walking out, she smiled at him as she closed the door.

As Bill tried this one on, he was now fantasizing. Jeez he thought, was she looking me over? No way he thought. She was much older then him and she were so professional. But her eyes. He remembered how he caught her staring at his crotch a few times. Well he thought mischievously. This time I’ll give her a little more to look at!

Nervously he not only took off the skin but he stripped off his boxers too. He felt a rush of adrenaline as he got out of them. Being naked in this strange place with this lady on the other side of the door was exciting yet scary. But a part of him wished she would just open the door and barge in on him like this. But prudence got the better of him and he got into the skin. He looked in the mirror and jeez. Without the boxers well. It was much like looking at a women with large breasts in a wet t-shirt. You can’t really see everything, but the shirt clings so much that you can see the roundness of the breasts and where the nipples are placed as they try to poke out of the material. This scuba skin was kind of like the male version of that. You couldn’t see everything, but if you looked closely you could CLEARLY see the outline of his genitals.

Knocking on and opening the door Jan asked, ‘Are we ready?’

Not waiting for a reply she came right on in.

Wow. Bill thought. Did she purposely try to walk in on him before he was ready? She just doesn’t seem like the type. With the conservative clothes, nice shoulder length hair, she looked like the mom next door. Well at least he didn’t feel guilty anymore about removing his boxers. The fear of her being offended at that was lessoned knowing that she had barged in on him.

As Jan came in she looked him over. ‘Oohh yes. This one fits you very nicely too!’ Arms folded, her face kind of grimaced in concentration she looked the skin over.

Getting into the whole thing, Bill ham’d it up a bit by putting his arms out and slowly twirling around for her.

‘Yes, this one seems to fit much better’. she said as he spun around and gave her the front view again.

She again did her routine of checking it. Starting at the ankles and working her way up. But she was being more obvious now about stealing glances. Without the boxers underneath, it was almost like Bill was naked. My God! she thought as she looked at the display of manhood, these 2 skins were the same thickness so why was this one so much more revealing? She looked over at the pile of his clothes an on top she saw his boxers! Aah that was it. This ‘nice’ young man had completely stripped off before putting on this skin. He seemed so nice and proper. Shy even. Like the kid next door. Well no one asked him to take his boxers off! You are supposed to leave them on when trying on clothes. Well she thought, it’s not my fault that he did this and now his package was on display. Heck, she wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity. After 20 years of a faithful marriage to a man with a 4 inch dick and a huge beer gut, she didn’t get this opportunity everyday. Heck with it she thought, she would sneak a few glances.

On her knees she again checked the fit. The ankles, knees, thighs….She couldn’t help but notice, the skin clung to his balls and his penis was in a down position along his left leg. Wow, she thought, you can clearly see the outline of his shaft and the head! She took her time checking the fit around his hips. She asked him questions about the fit, but her eyes were glued to his penis. Then it started to happen. His cock began to swell.

Instead of just 4 inches for her to look at, it was now 5, then 6 inches. With each inch of length added Jan’s eyes widened a little bit, and her voice seemed to trail off as the conversation, just died. With his eyes on her face, Bill watched her eyes as they blatantly ogled him. What could he do? He was trapped. He was so embarrassed! She had stopped talking mid sentence, and she was looking right at his growing erection wide eyed with her jaw dropped slightly.

If she was offended or angry she would have looked away, asked him to turn around, left the room, or done something! But she didn’t. He couldn’t believe this was happening, she was really into this. His fears started to melt away. She just stayed there watching everything, as the skintight material gave way to his hardening penis. The material stretched, as his cock lengthen, thickened and hardened beneath it. 7 inches, 8, then finally 9 hard inches, were clearly outlined for her. The thick angry mushroom head strained against the thin material.

Jan couldn’t believe her eyes. With each inch that was added surely she thought that is it, that it couldn’t get any bigger. She also noticed how it was thickening and beginning to exert more pressure against the thin material that contained it.

It was like time stood still. Bill could only stand there as his erection strained against the material before her eyes.

Jan had lived a pretty sheltered conservative life. She had only dated a few guys before marrying her husband and she never watched porn. She had never seen a penis this big before. The site made her nipples hard as diamonds and her pussy was wet! Ooh my god she thought. ‘I have not felt like this in years!’

Bill was really embarrassed, but really excited at the same time. He mustered up the courage to say ‘which one do you like better?’

She struggled for her voice, she seem to him to be embarrassed also, ‘Aahh this one, I think fits better, it aaahh seems more…snug’ she said, as her hand which was on his hip now slid down the side of his leg to mid thigh. Ooh so close to the thing which had captivated her attention.

Just then a female voice said ‘Jan? are you in there, I need a price estimate on these fins?’ and a head peered around the half open door.

Jill snapped back to reality. She was in a room with a guy who had an extremely large hard on. How would she explain this? It looked really bad.

Acting like nothing was out of the ordinary, Jan turned around and said, ‘Ooh perfect timing Amy. We need your opinion. What do you think of this skin? Do you like this one he is wearing, or this one’ she held up the first skin Bill tried on.

Amy was about 20 and was a really cute brunette, a little bit heavy but cute none the less. Amy said, ‘aaah well this one seems to fit nice,’ Her eyes racing up and down his body, but finally resting on his crotch. Bill’s erection was throbbing. This was getting out of hand. But there was nothing Bill could do at this point except just stand there as they looked at the outline of his hard cock. She continued to say. ‘Ahh well, this ones fits well, but I think I like the style of the other one. I would have to see him in that one, before making a final decision. ‘

Bill looked over at Jan, and she smiled and said, ‘Sure, if you have time’

Bill shrugged and said ‘sure’.

With that they left and Bill started to get out of the skin. But what blew his mind was that he heard them whispering on the other side of the door. The door was paper thin, he heard them saying in whispers.

‘Jeez Jan, what was going on in there’, Amy teased Jan.

‘Nothing. He needs a scuba skin and he was trying it on and as I was checking the fit, and all of a sudden…and well… you saw it.’

Kind of joking Amy said, ‘Noooo way, that thing can’t be real. Was it like that the whole time? Maybe he’s some time of perve and he’s got a dildo in his shorts to get some sick exhibitionist thrill.’

‘No. He’s not or ah isn’t. I mean, it’s not like that at all. I watched it go from.’

Jan’s voice trailed off. She caught herself. ‘errr ah I mean that it wasn’t like that before then all of a sudden it was.’

Kind of laughing Amy said, ’Ya whatever Jan. Don’t worry Jan. I won’t tell anyone or rat you out to your husband. I know you looked! But who wouldn’t? I sure did!!!!’

Bill couldn’t believe his ears!!! As he was getting into the other skin, his cock was only getting harder in response to their conversation. He had to wrestle with it to get in back into somewhat of a down position as he pulled the skin up past his hips. Just in time too because there was a knock on the door.


Ya sure he said.

As they came in they were treated to getting to see his muscular upper body. Although it didn’t hold there attention long as they again dropped there eyes to the outline of his massive erection .

Bill put his arms into the skin and turned around, ‘These things sure are hard to get into. Can you help me get this zipper’

Amy took the initiative and zipped him up.

Bill turned around.

Putting her hand on his hip Amy circled him. Her hand never breaking contact as it slid around his waist as she walked around and said. ‘Yes, this is very nice. It looks great! What do you think Jan?’

Jan who had been unknowingly staring at his penis this whole time, replied, ‘Yes, both skins fit him very well. I was telling him before that he should be a model for the company that makes these suits. They were made for him.’

Amy chimed in, ‘Totally. I mean you certainly have…’, she looked down at his hard cock to leave little doubt what she was referring to, ’the body for it.’

Bill was on top of the world. This was the greatest day of his life. He realized that he had quite an exhibitionist streak in him. He was loving this. He loved the attention. Their compliments made not only his cock swell, but his ego as well. If it had ended there it would have been enough for him. He would go home and jack off for hours thinking about this.

But it wasn’t the end.

Amy who was a product of the new generation was quite adventurous. She said,’Ya know I really like this one but I think the other one had a slightly better fit. I think I need to see you just one more time in the other one…’, her eyes sparkled with mischief. as she handed him back the other suit.

Bill said, ‘jeeze I’m real pressed on time, I really need to get going, but okay, sure, if it will you guys decide which one is best, I’ll try this one on again, I will try to hurry’.

Then Amy surprised them all when she dropped the bomb and said, ‘Well…… if you’re pressed for time, maybe we can help you, if you want. That would speed things up a bit.’ as she coyly smiled at him, then over at Jan.

Bill looked at her , then at Jan, then back at her. They were all looking at each other. The tension was incredible.

His voice cracked as he said, ‘Aahh, sure…okay.’

Amy’s smiled widened. Then they both looked over at Jan who looked like she had just seen a ghost. Face completely pale, she was having a mental battle with herself. She was a good conservative Christian lady. Everything she had ever learned screamed at her to leave, and leave immediately. Was he really going to allow himself to be NAKED in front of them? This was wrong. And what if someone found out about this? She would be ruined. But that penis! What would that look like? Evil carnal visions danced in her head. Valiantly she said, ‘No, I think I’ll just go now.’

Amy replied, ‘Ooh come on, he’s in a hurry and needs our help. You are always telling me that we need to bend over backwards to be nice and to help our customers. Let’s go, times a wasting!’

Broken and defeated, Jan finally gave in. She just couldn’t get the idea out of her head. She so wanted to see what he looked like naked. ‘Well, I guess your right, we need to help our customers, but like you said, lets be quick, and quiet too. Someone might get the wrong idea’, Jan said.

Amy closed the door behind her.

Then they got to work on helping him change into the other skin.

They got his arms out, then started pushing the skin down his torso. For somebody that was in hurry they were taking their time with this. They admired the chiseled physique of his upper body. They stood on either side of him pulling the scuba skin down. Past his six-pack midsection, lower, and lower, until finally his pubes started to show. They all watched as they inched the skin down. Exposing the shaft and balls, they kept inching it down. Amy smiling as, more and more of the shaft came into view. Until finally the head sprang free and his erection was in full view, bobbing just a few inches from their appreciative faces.

The apprehension that Jan felt before, melted away, as her carnal desires took hold. She was amazed at the sheer size of it! It was huge! Not only was it long and thick it was perfectly straight, not like her husbands little weener which curved to the left. His magnificent penis proudly arched up out of a nest of neatly trimmed pubic hair. She loved the color of his shaft and how the head of his cock was a nice shade of light purple or pink. She marveled at the site of his balls. They were just as insanely large as his schlong. She enjoyed watching them dance around.

It was surreal. They all pretended like this was somehow ‘normal’. After a few seconds of gawking at is now completely exposed erect penis, they removed the skin so Bill was now standing without a stitch of clothing on before them. They took their time getting the next one on. It seemed forever to get his feet in there, but finally they started to pull the skin up. Up over his ankles, thighs, then when then got to his crotch they stopped so the material was just touching his balls with his cock hanging there. It wasn’t throbbing hard any more, but it was about 7.5 inches of semi-wood dangling there in full view, for their enjoyment. Jan marveled at how it could change size. It looked so big hanging there. Like an oversized banana she thought.

Amy said, ’Ah do you want to be um in the up or down position?’

‘I don’t know’ Bill replied.

Amy took the initiative and said ‘Well lets try both.’

With that her hand cradled his big cock and began to stuff it into the skin and Jan helped to pull up the skin. They pulled the skin all the way up and Bill put his arms it. After zipping up the back, they inspected their work.

‘Oohh yes this one is muuuuch better’, Amy cooed. ‘The legs and arms fit just as good as this one, but this skin, fits much better here.’ With that she ran here hands along his butt cheeks, lower back and thighs.

Jan joined in. Her hands running up and down his back side. ‘Ohh yes, this suit accents you very nicely, do you work out?’

Bill replied, ‘Every so often’.

‘Well it sure shows’, sighed Jan.

But then she turn her attention to the front side, her hands followed her words as she said, ‘hhmm yes the chest area fits good, as well as the stomach’.

There hands felt electric to Bill who was enjoying this immensely.

‘Ohh yes ‘ Amy agreed. And with one hand on his backside the other was rubbing his stomach. his cock was again straining against the material. ‘And the crotch seems to have a good fit, what do you think Jan?’

Now the full emphasis was on his erect penis. All eyes were focused there as Jan said, ‘ Yes it looks like a very nice fit, ‘ Their hands were rubbing along side of it almost touching it, but not making contact. ‘How does it feel, err, the suit I mean?’

Bill mustered up the courage and said, ‘Ah it feels good, but um do you think this material is a little bit too thin? I feel so naked.’

Amy was quick to point out, ‘Yes, yes it is! We can clearly see the outline of your cock! See here is the shaft’. Her finger touched it and ran along the shaft as she said, ‘And it goes aaaaaaaaaaall the way down here, And here is the outline of the head.’ With that, her hand ran along the helmet, then stayed there to pinch and squeeze it. Amy continued. ‘ Jan what do you think?’

Jan was almost clinical in her answer, ‘I agree, Amy. His penis is clearly outlined.’ Then she said to him, ‘If you are uncomfortable with having women look at your penis, you can always wear underwear, or a swimsuit under the diving skin. This will help a little bit. But I’m afraid that you will never be able to fully hide it though, because you have a much larger then normal penis. And the fact that you obviously have an erection certainly doesn’t help matters. Now you know how women feel. They cannot hide their breasts. They can minimize them or accentuate them, but they can’t totally hide them from prying eyes. My advice to you, is don’t worry about it. Most guys would like to have your ‘problem‘, of having a large penis. I wouldn’t worry about it, I would worry about does the suit fit okay.’

Amy chimed in, ‘Maybe you might like having your penis in an upward position?’

With that Amy and Jan began to pull the skin off him again. When it got down to his public hair. Amy reached in and grabbed his throbbing cock and pulled it out and held it upright as they pulled the skin back up and looked over their work.

Amy giggled. ‘well if you were trying to minimize how it looked this definitely is not the position.! It looks huge! Also you have a much better view of the balls now! ’

Jan chimed in ‘Yes it does look quite impressive, but don’t worry about that, How does the suit feel, in this position?’

‘Umm it feels good. I like it. I’ll take it. Could you guys help me get out of this thing?


With that their hands were on him pulling the skin off. As they got it to about his torso Bill said, ‘Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it.’

They replied ‘no problem, we don’t mind’ and with that they pulled it down mid thigh, the rush of cool air on his cock felt magnificent. They helped him get totally out of this thing. So he is again standing there naked before these two ladies.

Amy grabbed his boxers before Bill could put them on and held them from him and said, ‘You know, you really shouldn’t worry about the suit displaying your penis. After all, you are naked now. And we can see your penis completely. We can see how your balls hang. So if your are comfortable now, you should be fine in the suit. What do you think Jan?’

Jan stepped closer for a better view and said, ’Oh yes it is such a wonderful penis. You should be happy to show it off! Women will thank you for it. I thank you. And, I’ve, well I’ve never seen anything like it….It so big….. and well perfect.’

Amy joined the chorus, ‘Me neither. Well at least not in person. I’ve seen pictures of big dicks and watched porn, but I’ve never seen a really big penis in person.’

Walking around him she drank in his nakedness. With her arm now around his waist she was kind of hugging him and she said, ’Bill, thanks for letting us see your big cock. ‘

Bill felt a little strange standing there, completely naked with a hard on. But their compliments took away any apprehension that he still felt. In fact, he was waaaay turned on by this. He relished the fact that these two women were staring at his engorged member. He noticed that both of them had hard nipples poking against there shirts. He was turned on that they were turned on.

As Amy and Jan continued to stare at his massive penis and huge balls, and otherwise drink in the site of his naked body, Bill said, ‘Well, ahhh, your welcome. But to tell you the truth, I think I should be thanking you ladies. I mean, I’ve never done this before. And well….I kind of like it. It’s exciting. I guess I’m kind of any exhibitionist’. To drive home the point he did a few half turns giving them different angles of his body. He loved looking at their hard nipples and then up at their faces that were giving him their undivided attention.

As Jan watched him do a slow 360 turn she admired his backside. Not an ounce of fat on him she thought! Her mind was filled with carnal thoughts. Look at those muscles! Look at how those legs flow into that cute butt, a muscled back and then flaring out to broad muscular shoulders. What would that feel like to touch? For a moment she chided herself for thinking such thoughts. But that faded as he continued to spin and again gave her a profile to look at. She didn’t know what to look at. The curve of his behind or the massive cock that was still towering out from his nicely trimmed nest of pubic hair which crowned 2 tennis ball sized testicles.

Bill was wondering how far he could push this. ‘Do you mind if I ahhh…’

Jan’s jaw dropped and she watched in disbelief as Bill took his manhood into his hand and started STROKING HIS COCK right in front of them! She watched entranced as his hand move the skin back and forth. She had never seen a man masturbate before, not to mention one with such a big horse sized cock.

Amy was equally surprised by this, but she found her voice, ’aaaahhh, no. I don’t mind. Jan do you mind?’

Flustered, ‘I ah, er well,’ she had to leave now! But she couldn’t find the will. Her feet were rooted to the ground and her eyes were planted on the spectacle in front of her. She marveled at how his balls danced around as he worked his hand up and down his shaft!

For a moment Jan’s noticeable discomfort with the escalation of the situation, scared Bill and he stopped jerking off, ‘Ahh sorry should I stop?’

‘No,’ Amy cried, ‘Jan doesn’t mind do you’, still no answer from Jan, but Amy continued, ’Keep going…don’t tease us?’

Amy smiled, ‘Ya that’s it, stroke that big dick!’

Again, they watched him masturbate. They noted how he used his other hand to cup and play with his balls. He had no shame. He was putting on an uninhibited masturbation show for them.

Still stroking, Bill said, ‘Sorry Jan, I just can’t help it. It’s not everyday that 2 beautiful women strip me naked and look at my cock!’

‘I’m sorry I got hard in front of you when I was trying on the suit, but I just couldn’t help it. You are so pretty.’ Jan softened at the nice words. ‘I did my best, but when you were so close and I could of swore you kept on looking at my crotch it turned me on and then I just couldn’t stop it. And when you didn’t look away it was just too much.’

Jan replied, ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t look away.’ It was just like now. She couldn’t look away from the masturbation show he was putting on for them.

Amy wanted to keep the focus on his cock, she said, ‘Bill do you do this all the time?’

‘Ahh, kind of, well not in front of people’, he answered sheepishly.

‘No, I mean, do you play with yourself a lot when your alone? I mean you sure are good at it!’ she smiled.

Smiling back and still stroking, he replied, ‘Well ya, I guess I do do it a lot! But this is weird, standing I mean. I am usually laying on my bed.’

‘Well’, Amy replied, ’Why don’t you lay on the desk right there and show us how you do it! Jan, help me clear it off.’

They made a spot for him and he laid down. With the ladies on either side of him, for the next five minutes he showed them. It was nothing but an explicit X rated display of male masturbation in front of two curious and now very horny woman. They asked questions about what he was doing and what he liked. He showed them all his tricks. Nothing went unnoticed under their watchful eyes.

He stopped stroking and grabbed the base of his throbbing erection. Giving it a squeeze he held his full 9 and a half inch hard cock perpendicular to his body for them all to admire.

Looking at his rigid erection, Amy said, ‘Gosh, if I had a big penis like that, I would never leave the house, I would play with it all day!’

‘Is, is it alright if um, I touch it?’ Amy asked. She gave him the puppy dog eyes. He couldn’t resist, even if wanted to.

Jan, swallowed hard. This was way out of hand, she needed to leave. But she was rooted to the spot and watched helplessly as Amy felt him up.

One hand cradling his balls, and with the other her hand wrapped around his hot flesh. It felt like steel wrapped in velvet. Bill let out a small moan as she started to play with his genitals.

‘ooh this big dick feels soooo nice,’ Amy said as she started to stroke his cock. ‘I can hardly get my hand around it’.

After a few minutes of exploiting his body for her own amusement, Amy stopped her stroking and gave the massive cock a squeeze and moved it around giving Jan different views of it. ‘Jan, isn’t this the nicest cock you have ever seen? You might never see one this nice again. And look at these balls’ She cradled them and pulled them up, then released them and smiled as she watched them return to their natural position.

‘Don’t you want to touch it?’

‘Please Amy, don’t, I’m married’

‘Jan, really. Don’t be so naive. Do you have any idea at all what goes on at bachelor parties?’

‘No I..’

Amy interrupted Jan, ‘They totally exploit women! ALL of them do. Even nice husbands like yours. There is no such thing as a tame bachelor party.’ she sneered, ’Bill tell her! What goes on at those things! And don’t’, to add emphasis she squeezed his balls hard, but not too hard ‘lie’.

‘I’m sorry Jan, it’s true. It doesn’t matter. College guys, young professionals, older guys, at every bachelor I’ve been too. Well……Amy is right.’

‘And what happens at those parties’, Amy closed for the kill.

‘Well the woman dances around, and slowly strips. But by the end she is totally naked! And well, guys give her one dollar bills and as they do so they get to feel her body, even her breasts and nipples. Then some guys even take whip cream shots off her nipples! Feed the kitty. There’s all kinds of games. Dildos. I’ve even seen some guys lick the stripper’s pussy!!’

As Bill talked, Jan was appalled!!! She imagined her husband, drunk, and behaving that way with his buddies. It angered her. Then she looked down at Bill’s hard body, the chiseled muscles, and huge cock! And it started to turn her on. As she listened to Bill describe the secret details of what really goes on at those things she started fantasizing about being that stripper. She imagined it was her body that captivated a room full of men. It was her nipples that they were licking whip cream from! She imagined herself strutting around the room naked letting strange men lick whip cream off of her hard nipples, letting them feel her big tits! Bending over and letting them look at her naked body!

Emboldened by the realization that her husband has probably done a lot of worse stuff to strippers, Jan sheepishly moved forward, almost in a dream state she gave in. She had gone this far. And besides what would it feel like? She said kind of jokingly, ‘Well I guess your our stripper then!’

Amy smiled, as she watched Jan tentatively reached out and wrapped her hand around Bills throbbing member.

‘Amy I doing this right?’ Jan asked as she started stroking his shaft.

‘Ooh ya!! Don’t stop.’

Jan was enthralled with the feel of his big cock and balls. She played with his equipment for over 5 minutes. As she did so Amy ran her hands up his thigh, hip stomach chest, then back down his stomach, hip, thigh, inner thigh, gently touch his balls, then repeated the process.

Then she said, ‘Hey, lets both stroke it, it’s big enough!’

‘Okay,’ Jan said,

They both giggled and laughed as they both stroked his cock. Jan’s hand squeezing the base as Amy’s worked the upper shaft and swollen cock head.

‘It’s too bad we don’t have any whipped cream,’ Amy said.

‘Well, you can pretend can’t you’ Bill suggested.

Amy’s eyes sparkled, ‘okay here it is’ hold up her hand pretending she was holding a can of whipped cream, ‘ You first Jan,’ she pretended to spray some along his shaft starting at the base up to the top. ‘Lick it off!’

Jan hesitated, Amy replied, ’Jan what happens at bachelorette parties doesn’t leave the party! Don’t worry.’

She looked at Bill and his look said he sure wouldn’t tell anyone. What the hell she thought.

When her lips first touched his cock Bill thought he was going to explode! She kissed up the length of his cock! Then she put her tongue at the base and licked every inch of his shaft.

Amy giggled with joy as she watched her once totally uptight boss turn into a wild and crazy party girl having a great time with this guy’s body. ‘Okay and now for the head!’ Amy acted like she sprayed a whole bunch of whip cream on his swollen head, she even gave the sound effect of ‘shhhhhh’ of the whip cream coming out of the bottle. That made the girls laugh more. They were getting a little bit giddy, but having a great time.

Holding the big cock from the base, Amy said, ’Okay there ya go!’

Jan now free from inhibitions smiled and lowered her lips to that big cock. As she kissed and licked the head she was imagining that she was licking up the whip cream off of his penis! She felt so naughty, especially with Amy watching her do this, but she never felt so alive! Devilishly she thought to herself. Sure, those guys can lick the stripper’s tits and play with her naked body, go ahead she thought. That’s fine. And I’ll suck this big dick!

And that is what she did. Her lips and tongue worked his pole! Her cheeks dimpled as she sucked the head while her tongue swirled around the head. She loved the taste of his cock! Bill moaned as her head bobbed up and down. With an audible sucking sound she pulled her mouth off and flipped her hair out of the way as she kissed up and down his head and shaft before again swallowing his aching cockhead!

‘Hey, save some for me’ Amy joked.

‘Sorry guess I got carried away,’ Jan said as she held his penis up for Amy. She watched intently as Amy lowered her mouth to the giant penis.

Amy masterfully performed fellatio on his engorged member. Jan, took note of all her little tricks. Like sucking in earnest on the head while stroke his schlong with her hand, then using her other hand on his balls!

Bill was in heaven. He just laid back and enjoyed it. He even put his arms around them and held them close as they took turns sucking his dick..

These ladies sucked his dick for a good 5 minutes. The passed it back and forth like a big popsicle.

Jan was really working his penis now. It had swelled to massive proportions. His breathing was becoming heavier.

Gasping for breath, Bill exclaimed, ‘ahuhh, ah you better stop, I’m going to cummm’

Jan pulled her lips from his massive erection and it smacked down hard against his rock hard abs.

‘Showtime!’ Amy said with vigor. ‘Jan do you want the honors or me?’

‘This was your idea, why don’t you do it?’

‘Well if you insist.’

Smiling Amy proceeded to stroke him off. One hand cradling and massaging his balls and nut sack the other expertly working the swollen shaft.

‘Hey, don’t point that at my face’, Bill exclaimed in a worried voice.

‘Sorry’ Amy said, smiling as she pointed it straight into the air, loving the way it felt in her hand as she stroked it.

‘No way! Your kidding’ Jan said. ‘It can’t go that….’

As is so often the case in the time and age that we live in, the person who is busy telling someone something can’t be done is often interrupted by someone doing it.

Jan’s voice trailed off as she watched a jet of cum shoot from the tip of his engorged penis far into the air!

Amy let out a ‘wooo hooo’

The second jet shot even higher into the air!

The third jet brought an audible ‘Oh MY GOD!’ from Jan as she watched astounded at what she was watching.

Stroking the exploding cock, Amy cheered, ‘Ya!’

She met the next jet with an enthusiastic, ‘Yahhh!!!!’

It was like an out of control fire hose gone berserk, shooting wad after wad of viscous cum, into the air!

Each squirt of cum was met with some type of exclamation by the ladies.

Finally it came to an end.

Bill’s whole body was twitching as Amy squeezed the last bits of come from his cock.

Jan was amazed at how much cum there was. IT WAS EVERYWHERE!.

As the gravity of the situation started to sink in on them, they all hurried to clean up all the evidence of what had happened. They all hoped no one had heard them. Jan got a roll of paper towels from the bathroom and they all went to work cleaning up all the jizz.

Jan was starting to feel really, really guilty.

But that changed when she heard Amy say, ‘Ya know Bill, my girlfriend Susan is getting married 2 months from now. Would you do me a big favor? You could save us girls a lot of money. And we would even pay you! Would you strip for the party? It will just be about 7 or 8 girls. And you know me and Jan already. What do you say?’

‘Geeze I don’t know. Well I guess if you didn’t tell anybody.’

Amy was quick to say, ‘Not a word! And you can even wear a mask, like Zoro if you want! And you don’t even have to get naked, just dance around a bit and slowly strip and go down to a G-string. It’s kind of a little pouch, but it‘s just big enough to cover your penis and balls. Then dance around, and let them put dollar bills in it and that’s it. That is all you have to do. They might try to grab your ass, but that is as far as it goes, I promise. It will be easy! Especially after what you did today!’

Finishing putting on the rest of his clothes he replied, ‘Amy, really you don’t have to pay me. I really enjoyed this. I’ll do it for free. Just one condition. You tell know no one my name.. EVER.’



They looked at Jan.

‘My lips are sealed, in fact what happened today is sealed, understand!’


‘I agree, we all have a lot to lose’.

‘Great then! Well lets ring up these skins, and the other stuff, but before you go lets exchange numbers!’

After Bill left Jan said to Amy, ‘I didn’t know that your friend Susan was getting married?’

Smiling Amy said, ‘Well, she’s not, but what Bill doesn’t know won’t hurt him eh?’

Jan smiled, ‘Amy, I think you deserve a raise!’

Laughing they both got back to work.

When Bill got to the party he was nervous as hell. He was shocked and scared to see, not 7 or 8 ladies but a whole room full of well dressed ladies, some older Jan’s age and some much younger like Amy. The really kicker was he noticed 2 of the ladies. The 2 girls from his scuba class were here! Ooh jeeze he thought. Well at least he had the mask, he wouldn’t talk, and he would be okay. Relax he told himself. He had been fantasizing about this for the past 2 months. Don’t chicken out now he thought.

The post Scuba Store appeared first on Teasing Erotic Stories.

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