
Karen tapped Steffi on the shoulder and told her that Miss Peters wanted to see her in her office right away. Steffi finished buttoning her blouse and asked, “Did she say what she wanted?” “Nope,” shot back Karen as she hurried out of the locker room, “she didn’t seem upset or anything, she just wants to seeya!” “Christ,” muttered Steffi, “it’s lunch time and I’m being held over after gym class,” as she scooped up her towel and gym clothes and stuffed them in her back pack. “Karen said you wanted to see me,” Steffi remarked in a questioning voice after knocking on the door frame. “Yes, Steffi, please sit down,” commented Miss Peters, “I have something I wish to discuss with you.” Steffi sat down and waited patiently for the gym teacher to get to the point while in a matter of fact voice, Miss Peters began, “I’ve noticed in gym class that during strenuous exercises your teen breasts seem to bounce much more than normal, I don’t know why, but it’s bad for your chest muscles to have them banging and moving around so much!” Steffi was dumbfounded at this line of inquiry, but she managed to nod her head in agreement and wait for the teacher to continue. “Now it’s quite evident that you have a much larger chest than most of the other girls in your class, but it’s important that you take proper care of your breasts so that they don’t begin to sag prematurely, so what I want to know is if you are wearing a proper sports bra during gym class,” Miss Peters asked? “Oh, yes,” Steffi replied quickly, “here it is,” she said while fishing it out of her back pack and handed it to Miss Peters who carefully studied the sweaty garment for several seconds before returning her gaze to Steffi. Of course, with a chest your size, this will not do at all,” she opined while flipping the gray bra back to Steffi, “this will not do at all.”

Read the rest of Bouncy (1,096 words)

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